Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday’s with Robert: Coming to Christ Because I am a Sinner

Resist the urge to skim this.  Feel the weight of sin that McCheyne feels in this first paragraph and then focus on the great truth that I have put in bold. 

“What a mass of corruption have I been! How great a portion of my life have I spent wholly without? God in the world: given up to sense and the perishing things around me. Naturally of a feeling and sentimental disposition, how much of my religion has been, and to this day is, tinged with these colors of earth! Restrained from open ‘vice by educational views and the fear of man, how much ungodliness has reigned within me! How often has it broken through all restraints, and come out in the shape of lusts and anger, mad ambition, and unhallowed words! Though my vice was always refined, yet how subtle and how awfully prevalent it was! How complete a test was the Sabbath—spent in weariness, as much of it as was given to God's service! How I polluted it by my hypocrisies, my self-conceits, my worldly thoughts, and worldly friends! How formally and unheedingly the Bible was read—how little was read —so little that even now I have not read it all! How unboundedly was the wild impulse of the heart obeyed!! How much more was the creature loved than the Creator! 0 great God, that didst suffer me to live whilst I so dishonored thee, thou knowest the whole; and it was thy hand alone that could awaken me from the death in which I was, and was contented to be. Gladly would I have escaped from the Shepherd? that sought me as I strayed; but he took me u in his arms and carried me back: and yet he took me not for any thing that was in me. I was no more fit for his service than the Australian, and no more

worthy to be called and chosen. Yet, why should I doubt? not God's unwillingness, not his ability —or both I am assured. But, perhaps, my old sins are too fearful, and my unbeliever too glaring. Nay: I come to Christ not although I am a sinner, but just because I am a sinner, even the chief.” He then adds, “And though sentiment and constitutional enthusiasm may have a great effect on me, still I believe that my soul is in sincerity desirous and earnest about having all its concerns at rest with God and Christ—that his kingdom occupies the most part of all my thoughts, and even of my long-polluted affections. Not unto me, not unto me, be the shadow of praise or or merit ascribed, but let all glory be given to thy most holy name! As surely as thou didst make the mouth with which I pray, so surely dost thou prompt every prayer or faith which I utter. Thou hast made me all that I am, and given me all that I have.
have.” - Taken from Memoir and remains of the Reverend Robert M. McCheyne - Google Books  http://www.google.com/books?id=eb8LAQAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=mccheyne+bonar&ei=oSjfSrCQFYTWNJzJyf8O#v=onepage&q=&f=false

Comments?  What do you think of McCheyne’s view of the importance of the Sabbath?  Is he correct in seeing sin its blackest hue so as to see the beauty of Christ more clearly?  What do you think McCheyne has against the Australian? 

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday’s Ministry Musing: The Bare Minimum Required

This will be a short post.  It is really simply a question.  I hope I have enough readers to still chime in.  If you are a facebook friend please leave your comment here as well as on facebook. 

I am working on something and I need your help.  If my question is not specific enough or it goes in a wrong direction I will try to be more specific.  Here is the question, please discuss. 

What is the bare minimum required for someone to be saved? 

I know that it is probably not a wise practice to try to figure out the “bare minimum required”.  Before being chided by anyone I want to say that in no way am I trying to discover only the little bit that is required for someone to be saved and then move on, I am working on something much larger. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday’s with Robert: The Truth of Prayer and Our Unfitting Response

How often do you pray?  Today that answer is typically, “not enough”.  It seems that McCheyne also felt that his prayer life was lacking.  After a three week period of sickness, where Robert was laid up in bed, he penned these words about prayer:

“…how reluctant we are [in prayer].  I cannot doubt that boldness if offered me to enter into the holiest of all; I cannot doubt my right and title to enter continually by the new and bloody way; I cannot doubt that when I do enter in, I stand not only forgiven, but accepted in the Beloved; I cannot doubt that when I do enter in, the Spirit is wiling and ready to descend like a dove, “enabling me to pray in the Holy Ghost”; and that Jesus is ready to rise up as my intercessor with the Father, praying for me though not for the world; and that the prayer-hearing God is ready to bend his ear to requests which He delights to hear and answer; I cannot doubt that thus to dwell in God is the true blessedness of my nature; and yet, strange unaccountable creature!  I am too often unwilling to enter in.  I go about and about the sanctuary, and I sometimes press in through the [torn curtain], and see the blessedness of dwelling there to be far better than that of tents of wickedness; yet it is certain that I do not dwell within.” 

This is an amazing reminder of what has been opened for us in prayer as well as a great encouragement to dwell in that blessed state of prayer. 


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