Is anyone else getting sick of this? Baptist Press trashes Driscoll. Numerous people have already responded. I think Alvin Reid might have done about the best.
Carl Trueman has a great piece on technology and a great quote about Facebook: “…the church should show this generation of text and web addicts where real friendship and community lie, not with some bunch of self-created avatars on Facebook but with the person next to them in the pew on Sunday, with the person next door, with the person they can see, hear, touch and, of course, to whom they can talk, and who is created not in webworld but by the mighty Creator.” (HT: Tony)
Great quote here by Jared Wilson: Why, God?
It seems a little extreme but I agree. Russell Moore discusses cellphones, children, and the gospel. I would absolutely love for our teenagers to STOP TEXTING EVERY 2 MINUTES!!!
Kevin DeYoung, author of Why We're Not Emergent
Bill Mounce tells us what to do with metaphors in Bible translation.
Be sure to read the article that goes with the HT:
(HT: DeYoung)
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