Saturday, June 8, 2013

Painful Loss and Urgent Need for a Dear Brother & Sister in Christ

My friend Brian and his wife Kassie are hurting right now. A few days ago Kassie wrote in response to John 5:
We’ve had some dark days lately. Honestly, sometimes we just don’t even know if a pool of healing exists for us. But something we do know is that a lot of you are lifting us up, and we really appreciate that. Eventually God will give us the comfort we yearn for, and we thank you for your part in pleading for us. 
One of those “dark days” is that Brian & Kassie are grieving the loss of their unborn child. This loss will be especially trying for the couple (and their three young children) because they are in Spain, away from family, serving the Lord.

To compound their problems they are without a vehicle. Now that’s not quite as bleak as it sounds. They do have funds available from their ministry fund to reimburse their travelling expenses. But what is happening is that a good chunk of their expenses are being soaked up because they have to buy train tickets or rental cars (which are quite a bit more pricey than here in the US).

I told Brian that it’d be easier to inspire people to help them with a car if I could tell people that they had to use pack goats to transport their young children. While that, thankfully, isn’t the case, their work is significantly hindered by a lack of personal transportation. As Brian told me, “it is a stewardship issue”.

Personally, I believe it will be vital for their healing to be able to “get away” from the crowded streets of Granada occasionally. They can’t do this at present. This family needs our help. Brian and Kassie are people that really love the Lord, they are raising three sweet children, and are attempting to share the gospel in a very dark place in Granada, Spain.

There are two ways that you can help. First and foremost dedicate to praying for this family. Pray for healing. Pray for a resolution to their car situation. And pray that the Lord would use them to further His kingdom in Granada, Spain.

Secondly, you can give. This gift is NOT tax-deductible because it will be for personal property. They need about $6,000 to get a dependable car for a family of five. Think outside the box. Don’t ask “what can I spare?”, ask “What it will take to get them a car?”

You can send checks to:

New Life Church
427 S. Highway 71
Anderson, MO 64831

In the memo-line be certain to put Brian & Kassie Car Fund

Let’s figure out a way to bless this family with a car.

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