Monday, July 2, 2012

Today in Blogworld 7.2.12

6 Traits of a Pastor in Awe of God

Paul Tripp gives us 6 traits that mark a pastor that is in awe of God.  These things cannot be faked but they come more naturally to ones that marvel at the awesomeness of God.  Tripp also has a short section at the end about getting our awe back. 

10 Tips on Solving Mysterious Bible Passages from Sherlock Holmes

Eric McKiddie continues to write solid articles.  Here, guest posting for Trevin Wax, McKiddie offers ten helpful suggestions on biblical interp from Sherlock Holmes. 

Hope for Feeble Lovers of Jesus

Mark Altrogge offers us feeble lovers of Jesus a great dose of hope.  Mostly what he is saying is that, “I don’t love Jesus as much as I should, but I will.  Increasingly.  For all eternity”.  This gives hope and not despair. 

How to Write a Horrendous Blog Post

Chris Vacher gives us 3 tips on how to write a horrendous blog post.  I’ve been guilty of all three.  Probably in the same post. 

The Gospel in Two Minutes:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike - I've been guilty of it as well. The best blog posts come from personal experience :)



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