Friday, August 9, 2013

Pray For Your Wife: 31 Day Challenge—Day Nine

I apologize that I am posting this so much later than normal.

Day Nine: That she would passionately love the Bride of Christ

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” –John 13:34-35

Let’s face it, the church can be messy. Our wives can get caught in the crossfire of petty church fights. She’s also not immune to being directly involved in them. As such our wife can grow bitter towards the bride of Christ. Over time her passion can dwindle and her love for the Bride of Jesus will grow cold. Brothers, the love our wives have for the bride of Christ is proportional to her love for the Lord. Let us pray that the Lord would cause our wives to “love one another deeply from the heart (1 Peter 1:22)”.

Father, I thank you that you have purchased a people for yourself. I thank you that you are redeeming people from every nation, tribe, people, and tongue. You are taking away hearts of sin and unbelief and replacing them with hearts of passionate worship. This is your church. And on the way to redemption we are messy. I pray that the messy of church might cause my wife’s heart to stir in deep love instead of bitterness. Sustain her with your love for her, and your love for the church. May she love your Bride the way that you love her, so that all may know your greatness. Amen.


  1. Dear Lord, whose Body we are, I lift my wife to you. As one who works with our fellow believers, she has the opportunity to see the flaws in your Bride. I pray that she not become jaded such that she loses sight of her beauty, a beauty afforded by you. Your Church is both your Body and your Bride. The sacrifice that we make for each other's flaws in imitation of your work on the cross is the very thing that makes us beautiful to you. May Lois partake in that beautifying pattern and so learn the depths of passion for your people.



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